Aiden and I were intending to head out of Calgary tomorrow morning and continue our journey through Alberta. I had lost the ability to shift into my top gear on the on my front chain ring and when I was doing a little bit of a bike tune up today I broke the mechanism in my shift lever. To make a long story short, the bike store has to order in the part, but the guy was nice enough to jump me in the queue, so the bike will be ready on Tuesday. The repair is going to be pricey, but at I’ll least have a back up shifter (they are only sold in pairs) for the side that is apparently more likely to break. Calgary has been great, as we’ve been getting quite a bit of relaxing in. Aiden and I saw our friends Courtney and Curtis from Saudi, JD from Brentwood who we hadn’t seen in a long time, and I’ve been visiting with family. We’ll get to hangout for a couple more days before really getting back into it. If it wasn’t for the horrendous bill at the bike store, breaking the lever wouldn’t have been so bad…