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Monday, May 19, 2008

Anarchy in the BC Interior!

Anarchist Mountain kicked our asses yesterday. It was not so much super steep but it just never stopped. Osoyoos to the Anarchist Summit (1233 metres) was 30 kilometres; at least 25 of those K's we riding on some degree of uphill. On the plus side we pretty much coasted all the way to Johnstone Creek Park. And today we had a steep 7 km downhill to jumpstart our day so that's alright. We are hanging out at the Greenwood Museum and going to hit up Grand Forks tonight. Greenwood is "BC's Smallest City" and the filming location for "Snow Falling On Ceders" because it was the site of large scale World War II Japanese-Canadian internment. They also have decent butter tarts (though Tyler has a poor opinion of the greatest of pasteries).


Sheila said...

Anarchist Mountain? What a name! Any idea on the history of that?


Unknown said...

elevation 1,233m. Named for Richard Sidley, an Irish pioneer, whose radical political views cost him the job of the local postmaster. He took up ranching on the summit