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Wednesday, June 11, 2008


We've made it as far as Saskatoon now, and it wasn't without a little difficulty of late. We were happy to have a helpful tail wind to blow us to Calgary (our longest day yet at 159.36 kms) so I guess it was time to have the wind blowing the wrong way, all day. After leaving Drumheller there was a brutal headwind coming from the North, and to Adrian's (and our own) dismay that is why we missed out on the Big Vally Creation Musuem. It was just too far out of the way to justify the visit under such adverse conditions. The East of Canada, however is not something we can avoid if we want to bike across the country and unfortunately for us, the past two days of cycling have involved a relatively strong headwind coming from the north east. It has been some tough going for Aiden and I, so I can't even imagine what it was like for Rich who came from working on the deck of a fishing boat all day to cycling all day; we certainly are impressed.
Other than the headwind Saskatchewan has been a great place to cycle. The roads have been great for the most part and the people have been really helpful. We were in subway for lunch one day and one of us forgot a pair of sunglasses (not pointing any fingers.) On the way out Subay we had a brief conversation with an RCMP officer about the trip and then continued on down the highway. Not two kilometers out of town, an RCMP cruiser came down the highway from behind us with the lights on and sunglasses in hand. It was a nice thing for him to do, and the person who forgot the glasses appreciates it.
Another day we were planning on stopping for lunch in the small town of Tessier, SK but found that the store was only open until noon (we were less than 60k from Saskatoon so we didn't have anything but snacks left.) Luckily for us, Rich ran into a gentlemen on the street whose wife ran the store so he suggested that he'd go get her to open it up for us. Experiences like this certainly show what great people make up this country, well except for the idiots that drive past us and lay on the horn as if to tell us to get off the virtually empty highway...


Mark Plant said...

Good day Aiden & fellow riders.i have been watching your progress and am impressed with your adventures so far.
Jason and I are driving out to Bigger Sask next week.(leaving Tuesday 17th)If the timming is good we might be able to meet up with you in northern Ont or East manitoba.

We hope all is well.

si said...

im open for a meet up in northern ontario, on spydey of course, let us know boys